Pages tagged ".Net"

Cover Image of the post 'Documentation-as-Code with Doxygen (Awesome)'

Documentation-as-Code with Doxygen (Awesome)

Hi 👋 and welcome to a new post.

I recently had to improve the documentation for a project, and collected some ideas and tools along the way, so I’ll share here what I learned 😃.

Cover Image of the post 'Working Software Conference 2023'

Working Software Conference 2023

Hi 👋 and welcome to a new post!

Last Friday I attended the 2023 Working Software Conference in Milan. The Working Software Conference is an event organised by the Italian Agile Movement, focused on the second principle of the agile manifesto:

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Cover Image of the post 'XPUGBg December meetup: “Mars Rover Kata, an outside-in approach”'

XPUGBg December meetup: “Mars Rover Kata, an outside-in approach”

Hi! 👋

Today I will write about a meetup I attended this December, hosted by XPUGBg (Extreme Programming User Group Bergamo). The XPUGBg is an association promoting and organizing events related to extreme programming in the Bergamo region.

In this meetup, the guests (Marco Consolaro and Alessandro Di Gioia from Alcor Academy) performed a live mob programming session with the audience, to solve the mars rover kata. We learned how to do mob programming, and how the Outside-In TDD approach works.