Pages tagged "About"

Hi there! I’m Marco and this is my personal website, where I’m going to put informations about me and what I do (and some blog posts when I’ll feel creative).
I started programming when I was 12 (just a tiny little bullied nerd in middle school) with the classic web stack known as LAMP (💡). High school and hobbies (guitar first, then photography) kicked in at 14 and I lost touch with web development (does VB.NET at high-school-level counts as programming?).
What I'm doing now
Last updated: Mar 09, 2025
This page was inspired by Derek Sivers (his now page, and a collection of now pages).
A now page it’s a sort of continuous “status update” one points to when asked “so, what are you doing right now?”.
In addition to showing off what I’m up to, it also helps in focusing on less stuff: if something new comes along, I’ll do it or say no based on how “crowded” my now page is!