Pages tagged "Self"

Cover Image of the post 'Show your Work!'

Show your Work!

Hi 👋 and welcome to a new post! This blog is becoming more and more a journal and a collection of book summaries 😅 I promise I’ll write more about technical stuff soon. Today I’m going to give a small summary and comment of a book I recently read: “Show Your Work!” by Austin Kleon . Austin is a “writes who draws”, and his books on creativity are all formatted in crazy ways (and with a really nice finish)!
Cover Image of the post '2023: A Review'

2023: A Review

Hi 👋 and welcome to the last post of 2023! As already done last year, it’s time for a end-of-year recap! I usually spend the last days of the year eating and laying on the couch (christmas is strong in italy) so don’t expect a long post. Let’s begin! 2023 Goals Review First, a short check on the goals I wrote in my 2022 review: ❓Learn in public I definitely tried to expose myself a little more and share what I learned in public.
Cover Image of the post '2022: A Review'

2022: A Review

Hi 👋 and welcome to a new post! Like every blogger out there, it’s time to write a “2022 Wrap-Up”! In this (short) post, I’ll give a recap of what happened last year, and write down my goals for 2023. So, let’s start! Disclaimer: This recap is mostly written by me and for me. I don’t expect it to be a beautifully written and engaging piece for other people. It might get boring, you’ve been warned.