Pages tagged "System Programming"

Cover Image of the post 'Let's build a Load Balancer in Rust - Part 3'

Let's build a Load Balancer in Rust - Part 3

Third and last part of the “Build your own load balancer in rust” series! In this last part, we implement a healthcheck procedure to avoid forwarding requests to unavailable nodes.
Cover Image of the post 'Let's build a Load Balancer in Rust - Part 2'

Let's build a Load Balancer in Rust - Part 2

This is the second part of the “Build your own load balancer in rust” series! In this post, we’ll see how to implement a round-robin policy, to forward our requests to multiple backends.
Cover Image of the post 'Let's build a Load Balancer in Rust - Part 1'

Let's build a Load Balancer in Rust - Part 1

Hi 👋 welcome to a new post! This will be the first of a short series of posts, in which I explain my poor attempt at creating a simple HTTP load balancer in Rust. In this first part, we create a simple HTTP forwarder to a single upstream server.